Kim Jong Il is dead. Certainly an interesting headline to wake up to. Especially considering I live several hours away from the border of two countries that are still technically at war. The death of such a man is definitely a good thing, and the world is a better place without him in it. I just hope the relations between North and South Korea do nothing but improve (and not all the reasons for that are selfish, I promise!).
Don’t have too much else to say about the whole thing… but I’ve realized what the scariest thing is about this happening…
If there is a zombie outbreak, I am waaaay too close to the craziest potential zombie out there!
- Hiking to Refugio Frey and Beyond - January 20, 2020
- Christmas Letter 2019 - December 18, 2019
- My Walk Out of the Woods - June 30, 2019
Bahaha yeah. Such a good game. I get flashbacks every once in a while…
Crazy isn’t it? I can’t help but think of Mercenaris every time his name pops up in the headlines. If there is a zombie outbreak, just pull the American card and call in an air strike. Nbd.
Oh please nathan, there are plenty of crazy, dead, potential-zombies everywhere! Just look at a history book 😉