I love a good road trip. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of setting off to some distant place, knowing it will take you days to reach it, not knowing what adventures await you along the way. There are many reasons I enjoy living outside of the US, but few places can rival my homeland’s …
Traveling as an Introvert
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung Human psychology is fascinating, and it also happens to be something I know next to nothing about. And yet, even people like myself, with next to no knowledge of the field, know what it means when someone is described as an ‘introvert’ or ‘extrovert’. You …
Not with a 20-Mule Team — Exploring Death Valley National Park
“Stubborn people get themselves in a lot of trouble, but they also get things done.” – Anna Paquin “Wait a minute,” you’re probably thinking, “why is this post starting out with a quote completely unrelated to travel, and from a movie star, no less?” That’s because travel isn’t an isolated subject; for those of us …
Not with a 20-Mule Team — Exploring Death Valley National ParkRead More
The Face of the Desert
“It is in the desert that Nature shows us its most uncompromising face. The magnificent play of the shadows, the comforting flood in light, and the gold glow of sand are there, of course, but only when the sun is low in the horizon. During the hours in-between, the sunlight is hard and unflattering, and …
Reflections in Yosemite
“When we tug at a single thing in nature, we find it attached to the rest of the world.” – John Muir It’s easy to become removed from Nature; to become lost in virtual worlds as we work in our cities of metal and stone. It’s easy to forget how tightly bound we are to the world when our …
The Darkness Beneath the Mountain
They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. For us, it was lined with flowers. Mt. Shasta loomed on the horizon, summit nearly hidden in a dirty blanket of clouds. A tangle of desert bushes and trees speckled the landscape we walked the dusty path to Pluto’s Cave.