The Mae Lang winds through the hills of northern Thailand like a shimmering worm, wriggling mostly through the swaths of dense jungle, but disappearing for a span beneath the cavernous limestone ceiling of Tham Lot. That disappearance just so happens to be downstream from the Cave Lodge, so it shouldn’t come as much of a shock that I found …
The Darkness Beneath the Mountain
They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. For us, it was lined with flowers. Mt. Shasta loomed on the horizon, summit nearly hidden in a dirty blanket of clouds. A tangle of desert bushes and trees speckled the landscape we walked the dusty path to Pluto’s Cave.
Spelunking in Jeongseong
“…You fear to go into those mines… You know what they awoke in the darkness…” That was the warning given to Gandalf by Saruman as the two discussed how the Fellowship would get the Ring to Mordor. I have a feeling that, if they’d been talking about Hwaam Cave (화암동굴) near Jeongseong, the same words would have been uttured, but …
Mountain Climbing and Spelunking in Hpa An
A few days back, I spent some time in the lovely riverside town of Hpa An. Just up the Thanlwin River from the city of Mawlamyine, Hpa An seemed to be a pretty relaxed city that I thoroughly enjoyed my time in. On a few of the days, I made it outside the city to …